
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Mixed Media Mini Album - Organizing and Backgrounds


I seldom make mini albums.  Mostly I prefer to work with the 12x12 scrapbook format.  I have used them successfully to capture a particular event or a life history for someone else.  I've never made a mini for myself other than a small one just for motivational quotes.

I'm choosing a mini now to scrapbook my success last year in gardening around our home.  We have always had some flowers and plantings.  Some years I'm more industrious than others.  Most years though I lose interest in the heat of the summer and let the weeds take over.  I can't say that in 2022 I didn't have some weedy areas but overall it was much better and the areas I really focused on looked good well into fall. 

These photos also tell a little of my Mother's story in that many of the items I put in my garden came from her house.  I didn't have time to take many cuttings from her plants.  There was just too much to do getting the house ready to sell and keeping up the landscaping there.   I did save a lot of her garden ornaments and furniture for myself and I've used some of these items around my house.

My mother and my grandmother were talented gardeners.  My thumb isn't quite so green but I'm learning and enjoying the results.

A mini album can take a few days to a few weeks to complete along with other projects.  In this first video, I share how I organize an album and keep everything organized while the project is in process.  I plan to do a lot of mixed media techniques so I'm starting off all the pages with a gesso base.

In the next video I share some of the mixed media techniques, the embellishments and how I will incorporate the stories behind the photos.  I will not video every single page as that would get tedious for you and for me. 

More videos are coming in the next few days, stay tuned...

Hope you enjoy.  Thanks for all your likes and comments on my videos. 

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